The story behind the Israeli flag
The story behind the Israeli flag The colors of the Jewish prayer shawl and the
The story behind the Israeli flag The colors of the Jewish prayer shawl and the
Shmita - a sabbatical year for the land At the feast of Rosh Hashana –
Autumn festivals During a number of weeks in September a series of Jewish holidays is
The high priest's robes For 1000 years - until early in our common era
Israel's Independence Day The National Day of Remembrance for Fallen Soldiers in Israel, Israel's
The Feast of Unleavened Bread The Jewish holiday Pesach, which like the English
A holiday that celebrates Immigration Yom HaAliyah is an Israeli holiday celebrated annually on the
Purim – Reminiscent of the Persian Threat Purim is a holiday celebrated on the 14th
Tu BiShvat - “New Year for Trees” Tu BiShvat means the "New Year of
Hanukkah - Temple Dedication Feast Hanukkah is celebrated to commemorate a revolt that liberated